Today Egg Price in Muzaffurpur

Last 30 Day Report
Price Up / Down: - ₹0.35
Percentage: - 7.69%
Today Rate: ₹4.2
30 Days Ago Rate: ₹4.55
Today Egg Price on Market
NECC Egg Price: ₹4.2 ₹126
Whole Sale Rate: ₹4.2 ₹126
Retail Rate: ₹4.52 ₹135.6
Super Market Rate: ₹4.61 ₹138.3
Muzaffurpur Egg Price Chart
Lowest and Highest Egg Price Chart
Egg Rate in Muzaffurpur

Why is it Important to Know The Latest Egg Price in Muzaffurpur?

You must be interested to know what is the latest egg price in Muzaffurpur today. You have come to the right place to collect complete information about Egg Price Today in Muzaffurpur and what has changed this month.

All of us who are homemakers or have small shops are also interested to know the latest prices of essential food items like eggs, vegetables, fruits, etc. Here in Muzaffurpur, many residents depend on eggs for morning snacks, lunch, or dinner.

Both data and graphics have been used to present today's egg prices in Muzaffurpur including how egg prices have changed recently, giving a complete understanding of market dynamics. Please refer to the information provided on this website to make it easy to decide what is the price of eggs in the Muzaffurpur market.

Housewives in almost every region of Muzaffurpur like all over India worry about what to put on their morning, noon, and night menu. So be it a housewife or just an egg lover everyone prefers this egg for its many special features. It is delicious as well as cheap and contains a lot of vitamins, protein, etc which are very important in building our body. So it is necessary for everyone to be updated about the rate of eggs in the Muzaffurpur market.

What is The Latest Egg Rate in Muzaffurpur?

Along with the whole country, the demand for eggs is constantly increasing in Muzaffurpur. The dynamic egg market continues to grow as demand continues to grow.

According to the egg price change throughout the month, the egg price has changed today. Today price per piece of the egg is ₹4.2 Rs. The skyrocketing price of eggs cannot be attributed to the increase in demand alone.

 Such changes depend on demand as well as several other factors such as weather, increase in various raw materials, cost of transportation, etc.

The prices egg for home users in summarised manner:

  • Eggs cost each piece ₹4.2
  • ₹126 for 1 tray egg price

But if you run a small business, you'll want to know more

  • 100 Egg Price ₹420
  • 1 Peti Egg Price ₹882
  • Retail Egg Price ₹4.52
  • Supermarket Price:- ₹4.61

If we all want to control egg prices in the Muzaffurpur market then it is necessary to keep an eye on the gap between supply and demand.
We have embarked on a project to describe the changes in daily prices in various major cities and states across India on this site accurately. We are serving the information in a very organized way so that the important visitors of our site do not get any inconvenience.

How to Check The Latest Egg Rate in Muzaffurpur?

Are you wondering how to stay up-to-date with the latest egg prices in Muzaffurpur? Fortunately, there are numerous online platforms available that offer easy and reliable access to real-time information about egg rates, including

Bookmarking this website allows you to quickly and conveniently check the current egg rates in Muzaffurpur, enabling you to make informed decisions when purchasing eggs.

What is NECC Egg Rate Today in Muzaffurpur?

It's important to note that the National Egg Coordinating Committee (NECC) controls egg prices in Muzaffurpur and throughout India. Currently, the average price of an egg in Muzaffurpur is ₹4.2.

What is the egg wholesale price in Muzaffurpur Today?

If you're in the business of buying or selling eggs, it's essential to know the current egg wholesale price, which is ₹4.2 per egg and ₹126 per tray in Muzaffurpur.

It has already been said why exploring the current market rate is necessary, but if those who are doing business want to make more profit in their business, then it is very important to know what is the market trend. 

Knowing today's egg prices will give you an idea in advance of how you will offer your service. You will also get an idea of how other competitors are building their strategies. So if you want to track the changes in egg prices, then follow our latest available information.

What is The Lowest & Highest Egg Rate in Muzaffurpur in The Past 30 Days?

It is advisable for both consumers and retailers to keep an eye on these changes in egg prices to prevent losses or shortages. Additionally, it can be beneficial for all egg sellers, including those running small-scale egg stores, to stay informed about market fluctuations.

Over the past 30 days, the lowest egg rate in Muzaffurpur was  ₹4.2  per egg on 26 April 2024, with a 7.69% change in prices up and down.

Over the past 30 days, the Highest egg rate in Muzaffurpur was ₹4.55  per egg and the date was 3 April 2024


A large number of people in Muzaffurpur like other parts of India have made eggs a very popular food item. Almost every day Eggs are traded on a large scale. So it is essential to be updated with the latest egg rates in the market to actively play your part in this purchase.

In this article, we have explained why and how Muzaffurpur buyers and sellers can get real-time data about egg rates in Muzaffurpur. Also, mentioned the following in the above article:

  • The average price of an egg in Muzaffurpur is currently ₹4.2 per piece.
  • The price of a tray of 30 eggs is ₹126
  • And the cost of 100 eggs is ₹420

This information provided in the website is mainly collected from the NECC site. We presented information neatly in an organized manner after collection, to make it easy for everyone to understand. Hope the egg buyers and sellers in Muzaffurpur will find all the information regarding rates here. We update this information regularly so please revisit this site for updates.


According to the NECC egg rate, today egg rate in Muzaffurpur is ₹4.2 per piece.

According to the NECC egg rate, today rate of 1 tray of eggs in Muzaffurpur is ₹126 per 30 pieces.

According to the NECC egg rate, today rate of 1 peti of eggs in Muzaffurpur is ₹882 per 210 pieces.

According to the NECC egg rate, today eggs rate in Muzaffurpur is ₹420 per 100 pieces.